人社一館 / Humanities and Social Sciences Building Ⅰ (回頁首/back)
編號/Number |
單位名稱 |
空間用途 |
Unit |
Use of Space |
A101 |
總務處 |
管理員室 |
Office of General Affairs |
Custodian |
A106 |
亞太區域研究博士班 |
辦公室 |
Ph.D. Program in Asia-Pacific Regional Studies |
Office |
A106-H1 |
亞太區域研究博士班 |
主任室 |
Ph.D. Program in Asia-Pacific Regional Studies |
Director's Office |
A201 |
人文社會科學學院 |
副院長室 |
College of Humanities and Social Sciences |
Associate Dean's Office |
A202 |
人文社會科學學院 |
辦公室 |
College of Humanities and Social Sciences |
Office |
A204 |
人文社會科學學院 |
院長室 |
College of Humanities and Social Sciences |
Dean's Office |
A306 |
英美語文學系 |
會議室 |
Dept. of English |
Conference Room |
A308 |
中國語文學系 |
會議室 |
Dept. of Chinese Language and Literature |
Conference Room |
A309 |
中國語文學系 |
辦公室 |
Dept. of Chinese Language and Literature |
Office |
A311 |
中國語文學系 |
研討室 |
Dept. of Chinese Language and Literature |
Seminar Room |
A312 |
中國語文學系 |
主任室 |
Dept. of Chinese Language and Literature |
Chairman's Office |
A314 |
中國語文學系 |
討論室 |
Dept. of Chinese Language and Literature |
Meeting Room |
A315 |
中國語文學系 |
閱覽室 |
Dept. of Chinese Language and Literature |
Reading Room |
B213 |
楊牧文學研究中心 |
辦公室 |
Yang Mu Center for Literary Studies |
Office |
B103 |
華語文教學國際博士班 華語文教學暨書法國際碩士班 |
專題研究室 |
International Ph.D. Program in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language International Master Program in Teaching Chinese and Calligraphy |
Case Study Room |
B214 |
國際紅學研究中心 |
辦公室 |
International Research Center of the Dream of the Red Chamber |
Office |
B302 |
華文文學系 |
研討室 |
Dept. of Sinophone Literatures |
Seminar Room |
B303 |
華文文學系 |
辦公室 |
Dept. of Sinophone Literatures |
Office |
B304 |
華文文學系 |
主任室 |
Dept. of Sinophone Literatures |
Chairman's Office |
B306 |
華文文學系 |
會議室 |
Dept. of Sinophone Literatures |
Conference Room |
B312 |
華語文教學暨書法國際碩士班 |
書藝教室 |
International Master Program in Teaching Chinese and Calligraphy |
Calligraphy Classroom |
B313 |
華語文教學國際博士班 華語文教學暨書法國際碩士班 |
主任室 |
International Ph.D. Program in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language International Master Program in Teaching Chinese and Calligraphy |
Director's Office |
B314 |
華語文教學國際博士班 華語文教學暨書法國際碩士班 |
辦公室 |
International Ph.D. Program in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language International Master Program in Teaching Chinese and Calligraphy |
Office |
B316 |
華語文教學國際博士班 華語文教學暨書法國際碩士班 |
專業教室(一) |
International Ph.D. Program in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language International Master Program in Teaching Chinese and Calligraphy |
Professional Classroom(I) |
B317 |
華語文教學國際博士班 華語文教學暨書法國際碩士班 |
專業教室(二) |
International Ph.D. Program in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language International Master Program in Teaching Chinese and Calligraphy |
Professional Classroom(Ⅱ) |
D115 |
英美語文學系 |
多媒體教室 |
Dept. of English |
Multimedia Room |
D209 |
亞太區域研究博士班 |
教學討論室 |
Ph.D. Program in Asia-Pacific Regional Studies |
Discussion Room |
D218 | 人文社會科學學院 |
師生社群空間‧育嬰暨哺集乳室 |
College of Humanities and Social Sciences |
Group Meeting Room / Breastfeeding Room |
D314 |
人文社會科學學院 |
穆斯林祈禱室 |
College of Humanities and Social Sciences |
Muslim Prayer Room |
D317 |
英美語文學系 |
辦公室 |
Dept. of English |
Office |
D318 |
英美語文學系 |
主任室 |
Dept. of English |
Chairman's Office |
D414 |
《東華漢學》 |
編輯室 |
Dong Hwa Journal of Chinese Studies |
Editing Room |
人社二館 / Humanities and Social Sciences Building Ⅱ (回頁首/back)
編號 / Number |
單位名稱 |
空間用途 |
Unit |
Use of Space |
A109 |
總務處 |
管理員室 |
Office of General Affairs |
Custodian |
A201 |
法律學系(含原住民專班) |
討論室 |
Dept. of Law (Indigenous Law Program) |
Meeting Room |
A203 |
法律學系(含原住民專班) |
主任室 |
Dept. of Law (Indigenous Law Program) |
Chairman’s Office |
A205 |
法律學系(含原住民專班) |
辦公室 |
Dept. of Law (Indigenous Law Program) |
Office |
A207 |
法律學系(含原住民專班) |
會議室 |
Dept. of Law (Indigenous Law Program) |
Conference Room |
A303 |
歐盟研究中心 |
辦公室 |
European Union Research Centre |
Office |
A305 |
歐盟研究中心 公共行政學系大陸研究中心 |
會議室 |
European Union Research Centre Mainland China Research Center, Dept. of Public Administration |
Conference Room |
A327 |
《人社東華》 |
編輯室 |
Dong Hwa Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Online |
Editing Room |
A330、A424、A426、A427、A430 |
諮商與臨床心理學系 |
實驗室 |
Dept. of Counseling and Clinical Psychology |
Laboratory |
A403 |
經濟學系 |
經濟數據分析專業研究室 |
Dept. of Economics |
Economic Data Analysis Lab |
A420 |
諮商與臨床心理學系 |
沙箱遊戲治療教室 |
Dept. of Counseling and Clinical Psychology |
Counseling Room |
B105 |
公共行政學系 |
PBL遠距教學教室 |
Dept. of Public Administration |
Problem based learning Classroom |
B205 |
諮商與臨床心理學系 |
余德慧教授紀念圖書室 |
Dept. of Counseling and Clinical Psychology |
Der-Heuy Yee Memorial Library |
B206 |
諮商與臨床心理學系 |
兒童遊戲治療實驗室 |
Dept. of Counseling and Clinical Psychology |
Play Therapy Room |
B207 |
諮商與臨床心理學系 |
電腦教室 |
Dept. of Counseling and Clinical Psychology |
Computer Room |
B211 |
法律學系 |
Palamitan rikec 模擬法庭 |
Dept. of Law |
Moot Court |
B301 |
諮商與臨床心理學系 |
個別諮商室 |
Dept. of Counseling and Clinical Psychology |
Individual Counseling Room |
B304、A418 |
諮商與臨床心理學系 |
團體諮商室 |
Dept. of Counseling and Clinical Psychology |
Group Counseling Room |
B401 |
諮商與臨床心理學系 |
辦公室 |
Dept. of Counseling and Clinical Psychology |
Office |
B402 |
諮商與臨床心理學系 |
主任室 |
Dept. of Counseling and Clinical Psychology |
Chairman’s Office |
B403、B404 |
諮商與臨床心理學系 |
會議室 |
Dept. of Counseling and Clinical Psychology |
Conference Room |
C103 |
人文社會科學學院 |
特色展示空間 |
The Nook at the College of Humanities and Social Sciences |
D204 |
公共行政學系 |
討論室 |
Dept. of Public Administration |
Meeting Room |
D205 |
公共行政學系 |
主任室 |
Dept. of Public Administration |
Chairman’s Office |
D206 |
公共行政學系 |
辦公室 |
Dept. of Public Administration |
Office |
D208 |
公共行政學系 |
電腦室 |
Dept. of Public Administration |
Computer Room |
D209 |
公共行政學系 |
會議室 |
Dept. of Public Administration |
Conference Room |
D301 |
人文社會科學學院 |
專案計畫聯合辦公室 |
College of Humanities and Social Sciences |
Projects Office |
D305 |
社會學系 |
會議室 |
Dept. of Sociology |
Conference Room |
D307 |
社會學系 |
討論室 |
Dept. of Sociology |
Meeting Room |
D308 |
社會學系 |
主任室 |
Dept. of Sociology |
Chairman’s Office |
D309 |
社會學系 |
辦公室 |
Dept. of Sociology |
Office |
D311 |
人文社會科學學院 |
會議室 |
College of Humanities and Social Sciences |
Conference Room |
D407 |
經濟學系 |
主任室 |
Dept. of Economics |
Chairman’s Office |
D408 |
經濟學系 |
辦公室 |
Dept. of Economics |
Office |
D410 |
經濟學系 |
會議室 |
Dept. of Economics |
Conference Room |
人社三館 / Humanities and Social Sciences Building Ⅲ (回頁首/back)
編號/Number |
單位名稱 |
空間用途 |
Unit |
Use of Space |
A104 |
總務處 |
管理員室 |
Office of General Affairs |
Custodian |
B203 |
臺灣文化學系 |
數位人文與地圖研究室 |
Dept. of Taiwan and Regional Studies |
Digital Humanities and Cartography Laboratory |
B204 |
臺灣文化學系 |
辦公室 |
Dept. of Taiwan and Regional Studies |
Office |
B206 |
臺灣文化學系 |
會議室 |
Dept. of Taiwan and Regional Studies |
Conference Room |
B211 |
臺灣文化學系 |
討論室 |
Dept. of Taiwan and Regional Studies |
Seminar Room |
B212 |
臺灣文化學系 |
主任室 |
Dept. of Taiwan and Regional Studies |
Chairman's Office |
B213 |
臺灣文化學系 |
人文地理資訊室 |
Dept. of Taiwan and Regional Studies |
Human Geographic Information Management Office |
B222 |
歷史學系 |
史料室 |
Dept. of Historyh |
Historical materials room |
B223 |
歷史學系 |
主任室 |
Dept. of History |
Chairman's Office |
B227 |
歷史學系 |
辦公室 |
Dept. of History |
Office |
B228 |
歷史學系 |
會議室 |
Dept. of History |
Conference Room |
C207 |
歷史學系 |
研討室 |
Dept. of History |
Seminar Room |
C320 |
歷史學系 |
影像剪輯室 |
Dept. of History |
Film Editing Room |
D303 |
人文社會科學學院 |
會議室 |
College of Humanities and Social Sciences |
Conference Room |
D313 |
人文創新與社會實踐研究中心 |
辦公室 |
Humanities Innovation and Social Practice Research Center |
Office |
D314 |
人文社會科學學院 |
專案辦公室 |
Projects Office |
Cooperation Office |
D317 |
人文社會科學學院 |
史料修復室 |
College of Humanities and Social Sciences |
Historical Materials Restoration Room |